Trouble Shooting-Why saxophone only have octave but no bass?

12-02 2025

When we receive a new saxophone, we assemble it happily and try it out with great anticipation, but then we find that there are only octave but no bass. We don’t know what to do!

This article will teach you how to troubleshoot and solve this problem of saxophone. Image

👉🏻Usually because the octave ring and transmission rod inside touched. If they touched, only cotave, no bass.

➡️The octave ring and transmission rod distance should be around 0. 3mm-1mm. No too near and no too far.


How to settle the problem?
⭐If too near, pinch upwards with your two hands, like the video.
⭐If too far, hold the octave key top side with your left hand and press the octave ring down with your right hand, like the video.

⚠️Remember adjust a little at a time, not too much!

Wish you have a perfect and easy-to-blow saxophone! Image

#saxophone #troubleshooting #saxnobass #nobass #tenorsax #altosax #octave #octavekey #mansdonesaxophone